Thursday, April 26, 2018

CCF...Chapter 13 - 14

Charlie & Chocolate Factory
Chapter 13 - 14

OLD Version ~ Wonka's Grand Entrance!

NEW Version ~ Wonka's Welcome Song!

CCF ....Chapter 12

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Chpt. 12

Old Version ~ I've Got a Golden Ticket!

CCF Chpt. 10-11

Chapter 10 - 11
Old ~ Charlie finds the LAST Golden Ticket!

New ~ The last Golden Ticket!

CCF Chpt. 6 -8

1971 Version ~ Chpt. 6-8.....First 4 Golden Tickets Found

New Version ~ Chpt. 6-8....Four Lucky Winners!

CCF Chpt. 3 & 4

Video Snip-Its from Ch. 3 & 4....

New Charlie & the Chocolate Factory ~ Wonka closes the Factory.

Chpt 1 & 2 Charlie & the Chocolate Factory...

Chapter 1 & Chapter 2....

Old, classic movie from year of 1971. I was only four years old!

New Version from 2005. My youngest son was four years old!