Monday, August 31, 2020

Storyline Online - Book FUN!!

 Storyline Online has celebrities reading their favorite storybooks to you!! How FUN is that?! Go check it out!!

Storyline Online....

                                 Meet Wrigley! He loves to be read to!!

National Geographic for Kids!!

 Here is some fun reading about animal facts!! Enjoy exploring around reading about different animals!

National Geo. for Kids....

Math Magician!

 Practice your math facts with the electronic flash cards on MATH MAGICIAN!! The more you practice, the faster you will get and your accuracy will get better the more you do it!

You get 20 math problems to work through in ONE minute. I will post links for Addition and Subtraction. Start with Addition on plus 2's and when you get 100% move on to work on the plus 3's and so on. Keep working up to the next number after you get a 100% on a set of facts. HAVE FUN!!

Addition Facts...

Subtraction Facts...